When most people think of credit-card benefits, their minds turn to rewards, low rates of interest and convenience. But bank cards have lots of other basic benefits that help cardholders cut costs and prevent hassle. Rental car insurance is a superb example. Policies generally cover cardholders in the event of harm to or fraud of a rental car. But you have to decrease accommodations company’s supplemental insurance policy for this to work.
So you should know that this benefit exists, to begin with, and what kind of coverage your credit card provides to take advantage of it. Credit card rental auto insurance policies are mainly driven by the card systems: Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. But individual credit card issuers determine the specifics of the coverage that customers receive.
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So to help you maximize your cost savings and security, WalletHub likened each major credit credit card company’s rental car insurance policy. Predicated on this analysis, we then selected the best bank cards for rental auto insurance, out of 52 total offers. You can below find the results. Best Issuer: Citi bank cards have the most favorable rental car insurance policies.
All Citi CardsAll Chase CardsAll Barclaycard C…All USAA CardsAll Capital One W…All Wells Fargo Vi…All Capital One Vi…All American Expr…All U.S. Bank Am…All Discover CardsAll U.S. Avoid Renting: A pickup truck, open-bed vehicle, unique/antique car, large vehicle or full-size SUV if you would like credit-card coverage, as much credit cards exclude them. All Citi CardsAll Bank of Ameri…Bank of America…All Chase CardsAll Barclaycard C…All USAA CardsUSAA Rate Adva…All Wells Fargo Vi…All Wells Fargo A…All Capital One Vi…All Capital One W…All Capital One Pl…All U.S. 20%, American Express will be the only cards that exclude full-size SUVs, please see strategy for rating.
Coverage Duration: Almost 39% of cards only cover home rentals for 15 days. Road Conditions: There’s only a 17% chance you’ll get penalized for traveling on a dirt/gravel road, but it’s still best to stick to the pavement. Country Coverage: All Citi, Discover and Chase credit cards provide global coverage. Ireland, Jamaica and Israel are the most common exclusions among other issuers. Tire & Rim Damage: More than 57% of cards do not cover all rim/tire damage. Business bank cards seem to provide similar benefits.
However, business cards appear to have policy details slightly enhanced (e.g. covering 31 days rather than 15 days leases) and a few cards even provide policy as primary coverage instead of secondary. We recommend taking the next steps to minimize the price and liability associated with hiring a engine car.